Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Eat Poop

This is the face of an innocent puppy...or is it?

Today we experienced something new...we discovered that this  lovely, innocent, sweet, funny face has a dark secret.  She eats POOP!  I was on the phone with my Dad tonight while trying to keep track of Lolli at the same time, when I noticed her starting to squat.  On the rug.  Now, I don't hold this against her at all - she is only ten weeks old and it's my job to get her outside to go potty.  Despite the fact that she has already started to use the doggie door to go out, she cannot hold her potty and I blame myself (or Miguel, when appropriate!) for any and all "accidents".  Lolli does not get in trouble.  But since the carpet isn't an ideal spot for a turd, I rushed over to see if I could enact a "poopus interruptus" and get her out the back door.  To my dismay, not only did I not get her in time, but upon completion of  the deed, she spun around and happily consumed a decent sized portion of her "emission" before I could prevent it.  I grabbed her before she could go back for seconds and kept her out of the way while I cleaned up the remainder.  Suitably grossed out, she was not allowed to give me any puppy kisses until I could determine that no residue remained on mouth or teeth (a couple of hours).  

Now I know that I give her some seriously great dog food - all organic, human grade stuff (not including the raw part, but still...), but I have to ask myself, is her food so great that it's worth consuming a second time?  And so enthusiastically?  I am right now reassuring myself that she will outgrow this little passtime, but until then I will clearly have to be hyper-vigilant about watching her do her duty.  Of course, the thought crossed my mind that if I actually allowed her to go ahead and indulge, it would save me the trouble of cleaning up after her, and might even save me some money on dog food...but then again, poopy breath is a far cry from puppy breath, and only one of those choices works for me.

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