Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quick Break

Just a quick hello while Lolli is lounging in her crate...I think the time change/excitement/travel is finally catching up with her...she's been a bit on the sleepy side yesterday and today.  She's still a rowdy little land shark when she's awake, but has seemed to need a bit more nap time, which is fine with me!  I'm going to catch up on the computer, shower and so forth, and then when Miguel gets home from work I'll go to the store.  I don't feel like trying to head out into rush hour traffic!  

Lolli has started to figure out that we LOVE it when she potties outside, and has used the doggie door on her own several times to make it happen, beginning just yesterday.  Smart girl!  Of course earlier today I accidentally left the doggie door shut, didn't get her outside immediately after she woke up (we were cuddling) and as a result she had a poop on the carpet.  Mia Culpa, all the way!  Poor girl...I felt bad that I didn't set her up for success that time.  Luckily there will be plenty more opportunities for me to get it right!

Finally gave her a bath this morning...I think I was getting used to how she smelled and didn't realize til after the bath how much nice it is to have a fresh washed dog!  She didn't seem to mind the bath...endured patiently and even let me put her under the faucet to speed up the rinse cycle :) .  She is now learning to sit in front of her crate while I put her food dish inside...she wants to dance and cavort to celebrate the coming meal, which is fine, but I don't place it in there until she gives me a sit.  She's doing it faster every time!  Also she's definitely feeling better about her collar...forgets about it most of the time, which is a relief!  For a few days she looked like a little drunk, trying to walk/play/scratch all at the same time!  She tipped over once or twice :) .

She continues to try to make friends with Toby...he is more inclined to let her hang around near him (as opposed to vacating the area when she comes around), but still doesn't care to have a nice romp with her.  I think when little kids are like this they call it "parallel play", where they will play side by side, but not with each other.  I have to give her credit...she keeps trying but isn't super pushy about it.  If Toby expresses any displeasure, she backs right off and finds something else to do.  Like bite my arms.  Or feet.  Or boob, if she can reach it.  Naughty!!

I'd forgotten how many times a day that a puppy goes poop! 

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